Contract Law

At H I Juristbyrå, we write agreements for both individuals and companies

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How we work:

Step 1

Contact one of our business lawyers and tell us about your situation.

Step 2

After claifying your intentions, the lawyer can present a plan and provide you with suggestions for a relevant agreement.

Step 3

With your approval and after signing the power of attorney, the lawyer can begin the work of writing the agreement.

Contact us today and talk to one of our lawyers.

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Secure the business and let a lawyer formulate your agreements.

Our business lawyers have a long experience of formulating agreements on behalf of our clients within the framework of their various business activities. Furthermore, the importance of a clear and agreement can not be overestimated as such an act creates long-term conditions for good relations between you and your business partners. Agreements also have the effect of helping the involved parties by drawing up guidelines that clarify everyone’s duties which in turn helps create continuity in the business relationship.

At H I Juristbyrå, we can secure your business or private assets through a written agreement. Our expertise includes both the creation of private agreements and commercial agreements, while we also prepare public procurements for suppliers in the public market.

As previously mentioned, the importance of written agreements cannot be overestimated. Even if you in theory can continue without them, it can be a costly story when the conflict arises and you do not have a written agreement to rely on as evidence. Thus, a written agreement always to be recommended.

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What type of agreement is relevant for you?

Contract writing is one of the main areas of legal work in general. The Contracts Act (1915: 218) contains the rules for concluding an agreement. The main principle in Sweden is that agreements are binding according to the principle of pacta sunt servanda. This also includes verbal agreements that are considered binding, but in terms of evidence, written agreements weigh more heavily in the event of a dispute. Most agreements are so-called consensual agreements, which means that they are valid even if they have been concluded in the form of a verbal agreement.

At H I Juristbyrå, we work with a large variety of agreements. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Cooperation agreement
  • Contract of sale
  • Distribution agreement
  • Franchise agreement
  • License agreement
  • Supply agreement
  • Competition and confidentiality agreements
  • Shareholder agreement
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You’re in good hands

Founded in 2010, H I Law Firm has established itself as one of Sweden’s leading law firms. We have a reputation for providing ethical, personalized, high-quality legal services and access to justice for all of our clients.

Our lawyers are highly skilled and accessible. Our size enables our Partners to give personal attention to every matter.

When you call, we ensure you speak to a lawyer for preliminary advice.  If we think we can assist you, we will arrange an initial consultation free of charge.

Our success over the past 10 years has been built on looking after our client’s unique cases. No matter the severity of your case, there is always hope. It would be our privilege to look into your case.

Make an appointment with one of our lawyers who will review your case